Sitecom USB to Serial on Mac OS X

The day before yesterday I have bought a Sitecom USB to Serial cable (UC-104). The common problem with such cables is that there are no drivers from the producer for Mac OS X. The good thing is that most of these cables use a Prolific chip. Prolific is offering a driver for cables based on their chip on their site.

When I connected the Sitecom cable “About this Mac” reported that it is a Prolific but the driver did not load. I figured out that it is the Vendor Id and Product Id that were not matching.

I had to edit /System/Library/Extentions/ProlificUsbSerial.kext/Info.plist and change the vendor and product Id’s apropriately. (You can do that with every cable that has a prolific chip in it)

And after that I had to run kextload /System/Library/Extentions/ProlificUsbSerial.kext . And imagine what was the biggest problem I had. Yes exactly that I forgot to run kextload >_<

But now it works and through my post it is hopefully helpfull for someone that googles for this cable and mac 😉

(if it was usefull for you write a comment! I will be very happy about it 😉 )

3 thoughts on “Sitecom USB to Serial on Mac OS X

  1. Joe Black

    Thanks for the post. I have recently tried using a SITECOM USB/Serial adapter, but no success. I have set the idProduct to 8296 and the idVendor as 1367 in Info.plist. Can you think of anything I may be missing.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

  2. esden

    idProduct has to be 8296 and idVendor 24969 perhups that is your mistake?

    Have you also run “extload /System/Library/Extentions/ProlificUsbSerial.kext” in the console as root?

    That was my biggest mistake the time I did the hack.


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