Monthly Archives: December 2007

cl-opengl-thomas mac os x bindings with native GLUT.framework

I got the information that the branch I used in the previous version is an older one and that I should migrate to the so called thomas branch.

So I did it and now it seems that all examples are working. Ok … the varray example is not working. It somehow is not willing to compile for me and I am too lazy to look into this problem. (perhaps next time)

You can get it here.

Have fun!

cl-opengl mac os x bindings with native GLUT.framework

I have adapted the cl-opengl bindings so that it runs with the GLUT bundle that is being shipped with mac os x.

Most examples seem to work. The ones that do not work need a more complicated fixing. But the API should run correctly. (I hope so ™)

You can get the first version here.

I will try to continue testing and fixing the bindings. I i do so there will probably be also a repository for it. Who knows … ^^

I have tested it with sbcl 1.0.12 on a Leopard driven MacBook Pro.

Have fun

P.S. Greetings from 24c3 ^^

P.P.S … I made a screenshot that is attempting to proove that it is really working: shot