Category Archives: Comics


I just got pointed to a very very funny film, I have to share it with you immediately. 😉 It is very well done and is really hilarious. You can see it here

Of course Channel Frederator also has very nice films in its videocast if you do not know it yet.

Questionable Content

Ok … I was accidently pointed to a very nice Comic some time ago. I would like to present it today.

The name is Questionable Content. You can even find an entry on Wikipedia about it.

The story turns around Marten a frustrated music nerd, his anthromorpic PC named Pintsize and his roommate Faye.

It is pretty funny and dealing with problems finding the right person for a relationship and strange discussions about Indie Rock bands that I have never heard of.

The story is still pretty dense and not getting boring. The drawing style is pretty nice and the guy drawing it is getting all the time better. I can only forward you to it so you can make your own decision about it. But if you ask me it is pretty nice and worth reading.


Wenn es noch jemand von euch nicht kennt. Misfile ist ein super online Comic mit einer interessanten Story.

Es geht naemlich darum das ein Engel (saeufer und kiffer) zwei kleinichkeiten im Himmel verbockt hat und aus dem himmel geschmissen wurde. Die Faehler fuehrten dazu das ein Kerl der totaler Dragrace fanatiker war zu einem Maedchen geworden ist. Und das ein Maedchen zwei Jahre ihres Lebens verloren hat.

Auf dieser Basis entwickelt sich eine totkomische Geschichte ueber die beiden und den Engel. Nun ich kann es nur empfehlen.