As I wrote yesterday I did not manage it to find a appropriate software to help me driving. The only thing that comes close to my needs is GPSDrive but I did not manage it to get it compiling.
Today I had the second part of my trip to Poland. Now I am in Gdynia (this is a part of the threecity Gdansk (LAT: 54o30.73’N LON:18o32.99’E)) at my aunt’s house.
The trip was pretty funny. The only real problem during the trip were three things. First: get out of Berlin, Second: the bad signs on polish roads and Third: uneven roads. If I had a GPS navigation the first and second one would be unexistant. Only thing that would remain is the third.
Blindy gave me his GPS mouse so I can use it here. I will try to finish building GPSDrive as soon as I have time and got some sleep. I had to visit and talk to a lot of people here after arriving at 19:30 or so. (that were 7:30 hours driving *sigh* becaus I left Berlin around 12:00).
Ok … so good night good fight to everyone 😉